Friday 3 July 2009

Starting Anew.

Well here we go. Another blog. Another website. With more useless passwords and codes and things that I'll forget and eventually lock myself out from. Then I'll just have all my ramblings onscreen again, and I'll be wishing I didn't write them. People will check every now and then and see if it's updated. It won't be.

So that's why I haven't done that. I'm not keeping this blog anonymous. It's going to be out in the open, with anyone able to read if they so desire. I guess that while it might not be private anymore at least I guess people will be able to keep up with what I do day to day. Boring as it may seem.

Maybe you guys can also learn from my mistakes that way?

Here are a few things about me anyway, for people who don't already know me.

I have trouble sleeping sometimes when I have things on my mind. Sometimes my heart races for no reason and I can't switch off. When people say they survive on three or four hours of sleep a night, I'm not like that. I'll go a few days without getting anything. Then I'll get my three or four hours. Then I carry on. When I'm like that I guess I can seem a little down and moany, or withdrawn if I can see that I'm whinging too much. When I do get sleep I'm not like that. I'd say I'm the opposite. I'm loud and opinionated, but won't give them unless asked. Sometimes.

Just so you know, it's twenty to two in the morning. I can't sleep, which is probably why I seem moody right now.

I'm going to spain next week, and I'm pretty excited. More because of the bands than actually going to Spain though.

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